Monday, June 2, 2014

Blog #13

Blog #13 
I am done with my project. I presented on Thursday 5/29/14. I am very happy of how my presentation turned out. I will not continue to put blogs, but i will finish my project and post the QR codes around my school. I am in the process of talking to different people and asking permission to be able to put the QR codes up. Although, at the end i had to work and present on my own i am proud of what i accomplished. I will continue to finish this project and i will accomplish my goal of helping out my fellow pears. I think my presentation turned out good and i was proud of myself. My teacher really liked how my project turned out also. I am really happy and hope that i will get a good grade on it. I liked how my project turned out. It was a little hard working on my own, but i finished it and i feel like i did a good job making the presentation and actually presenting it. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Blog #12

Blog #12
This week we are getting ready to present. We are getting nervous because we have to present in front of the whole class. We are still working on our presentation. We are going to present next week on Thursday. I am excited, but nervous. I feel like we did a good job, but we could have done better. I will try my best on this presentation and get a good grade. I don't really like presentation in front of people because i get nervous and shy, but i will try my best not to get nervous and know what to say so i don't look dumb in front of my classmates. We are still trying to get the QR codes so we can make a virtual tour, but we haven't heard from our principle yet. We are really excited and want to see what our peers think of our project and tell us if its a good idea to help incoming freshman. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Blog #11

Blog #11
This week we continued to post pictures on We didnt post all the pictures up yet. We might not put all of them up because they are way too much. We will include the best pictures in our presentation. Our presentation is going good. We only have about two weeks left to complete our presentation and present it to the class. We are a little nervous about how our presentation will turn out and how our classmates will find our project helpful. We worked hard on this project and we hope we will do a good job on our presentation. We hope that this will help new upcoming freshman, parents, or anyone who visits our school. That's all we did this week, hopefully we can create that virtual tour. If not we will just save the pictures on thinglink and hopefully that will help new rebels.

Blog #10

Blog #10 
This week we didn't do much. We put some pictures up on We are beginning to work on our presentation. We have some slides down. We are still organizing and fixing some pictures. The pictures that are on thinglink are fixed and ready. We only put some pictures up like the one above. We put some facts on them and explained what the classes are and what part of the school they are at. We will continue to post pictures on there and we will try to create a virtual tour.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Blog #9

Blog #9 
This week for our 20% project we took more pictures. In class we asked our English teacher if we could go take pictures around the school. He gave us permission and my partner Jonathan and I went to take more pictures. We got a lot of nice pictures. We still need to get some of the office and inside the student center but we are pretty much done. We cant wait to show our pictures to the class. We really hope our project turns out good so we can show our principle. If we show him and ask him if we could put them on our school website it'll be really cool. We really want our pictures on the school website and we hope our project will turn out how we want it to turn out.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Blog #8

   Blog #8 This week we didnt do much. One of our partner, Victor, is not in our group anymore. Now it is just my partner Jonathan and I. We are working on putting the pictures up on Thinglink. We are continuing to take pictures and editing them. We will start making our powerpoint and figure out how we are going to do it. Now that we are two again, we will have to change they way we are going to do things. We will chose the who will read each slide or what type of format we are going to use. This week we will edit pictures and put them on thinglink. We will work this week and probably over the weekend. We havent really done much in these couple of weeks but we will start keeping up with our project. We will catch up and continue with our project.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blog #7

Blog #7
This week my partners and I have been a little busy lately. We took the CAHSEE last week and we didn't post up a blog, because we were studying and we didn't have time. We are still taking pictures just in case. Our teacher has not told us anything about using the bar-codes so people can scan them and they get a picture and information on their phone. We hope our principle can let us do what Mr. Lee suggested. We have some pictures edited already. We hope we can start putting them on thinglink. We know we've been trying to put them up on thinglink and we still have nothing up, but we still haven't figured out how we're going to put them, what type of information we are going to put them , but we will have the pictures up soon. We are excited for how our project will turn out and see our progress during the year.